If you happen to be involved, or about to be, in the family law system I know how you’re feeling.
Lost, overwhelmed, intimidated, stressed, and that’s before finding out the unaffordable cost of retaining a family lawyer.
Now, add the fact that your ex has retained a family lawyer to represent them.
You’re thinking, just how bad can it get?
I’m here to tell you, not bad at all. In fact, unbeknownst to both your ex, and their lawyer, you have just been handed an opportunity.
I’m serious. You will be fine, in actuality, better than fine. Here’s the secret.
You actually don’t need to retain a family lawyer, (coming from a family lawyer), you can represent yourself. You will be like many thousands of others, a so-called “self rep”. After all, who knows your relationship story better than you do?
But before you think this will be easy, there some important conditions that are essential.
Firstly, you need to be committed to take whatever steps are necessary to properly prepare yourself. This includes understanding the legal principles involved, and not letting your ego or emotions take control
Secondly, I highly recommend you obtain advice from an experienced family lawyer, sometimes available on a pro bono basis, at certain times. Such times would include starting or responding to a claim, or prior to any court hearing. There is considerable paperwork generated, and it is critical to ensure that any documents have been properly completed. It also helps to find a lawyer, like myself, who provides what are called unbundled services. It simply means you don’t need to retain me to represent you, I am available as needed to provide just as much legal assistance as you need, and can afford. Also check out legalbenefit.com.
A properly prepared self-rep can achieve considerable success, even if their ex is represented by counsel.
But there’s one more powerful incentive, and I spoke about it in a conversation I had with someone this past week. Her husband had retained counsel, and she felt powerless and overwhelmed.
In fact as she explained it, she felt intimidated and controlled by her spouse throughout her entire relationship.
I told her, she now had the opportunity to change things. Time to take her power back, start controlling her own future.
Both her ex, and his counsel, will get the message. Namely, nothing less than fair, and reasonable, is acceptable.
If her story sounds like yours, you can do the same!
Unleash your own shock and awe! Talk to Scott – 604.534.6361